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Evaluation Toolkit for Water Efficiency Behaviour Change Initiatives


Waterwise worked with the Environment Agency and a range of partners with expertise in water efficiency behaviour change initiatives to prepare a new toolkit to enable a standard approach to reporting on behaviour change projects in the UK.


This first piece of work has created a toolkit guide and excel spreadsheet for you to use, which you will find linked below.

The purpose of the toolkit is to ensure water efficiency behaviour change projects can be evaluated using a consistent framework and compared effectively.

Future projects will be able to build on the learnings of previous work and the toolkit seeks to improve the effectiveness of behaviour change initiatives. The toolkit offers resources to critically assess activities that seek to mobilise people to make conscious decisions and take intentional actions to improve or change their behaviours relating to water use.

Importantly the toolkit can also be used before the initiation of behaviour change interventions, to help guide project planning and steer the delivery of initiatives. Measuring campaigns helps us know what works and what doesn’t when urgent action is needed. This is critical to enabling effective delivery of long-term behaviour change and delivering sustained water savings. Its effective use will foster open and transparent information-sharing, and will enhance lesson-learning and practice improvement into the future.


The evaluation toolkit is intended for all water efficiency practitioners, those tasked with behaviour change projects, to reflect on and assess the delivery of interventions that seek to motivate behaviour change at various scales. It is designed to be simple to use, light touch and, importantly, informed by industry experience and expertise.

Using the toolkit

Use the spreadsheet as a template to guide your evaluation development. The PDF guide can be used alongside to better understand evaluation processes and give ideas and links to explore evaluation in more detail.


  • Download the spreadsheet here
  • Download the PDF guide here

Next steps

This published toolkit is a first phase of work. We are now working with practitioners to test using the toolkit so we can make sure it is usable and then begin to embed its use across the water efficiency community.


We are continuing to test the toolkit and working to create a more usable online platform for entering evaluations and sharing results.


We are very grateful to CCW’s Leading the Way Task and Finish Group for their engagement as we developed the toolkit and planned further testing.


If you are using the toolkit and have any questions or feedback please contact Rachel Dyson.


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Work With Us

Waterwise works with individuals, communities and organisations across the UK to make sure water is never wasted. We are proud to partner with a number of organisations who share our vision and are committed to improving water efficiency within their own operations, as well as helping us to raise awareness of water scarcity.